Happy Housesitters International

We have remained in contact with Linda and Tony after their 3 week sit in 2018, and have developed a friendship.  We decided to move to Europe for a few years and put our home on Airbnb.   During the early beginnings of the Covid Pandemic, we decided to close our Airbnb for several months.  During this time we happened to see a post on Facebook that Linda and Tony were caught without their planned housesit because of borders closing.  It was the perfect situation for both of us!  They immediately flew to our home in Oregon and stayed 3 months looking after our home, as only they can do!  They repainted part of the porch, refinished the kitchen floor, set up the garden watering and were able to social distance with our neighbors and make many new friendships.  We felt our home was in the most capable and trusted hands.  We would never hesitate to recommend Tony and Linda to anyone looking for someone trustworthy to care for your pets or your home.